Atari to launch a virtual crypto casino in the metaverse

April 18, 2022

Atari plans to launch its cryptocurrency casinos in the metaverse, Decentraland. These casinos will be located in Decentraland’s “Vegas City” district. The main objective of these metaverse casinos is to replicate real-life gambling properties like Las Vegas in the Ethereum-based virtual world.

For this to happen, Atari has collaborated with Decentral Games, which is supported by Digital Currency Group. Digital Currency Group is a major investment group that supervised the Grayscale.

Crypto casinos are like your regular real-life casinos yet there are still some differences. One of the major differences is that it mainly uses cryptocurrencies as its method of transactions. Which are cheaper, faster, and secure for payments in online casinos.

Known cryptocurrencies that can be used in the crypto casinos include the ETH, DAI, MANA, which is Decetraland’s cryptocurrency with a current market value of $4.5 billion, and Atari’s owned currency, Atari Token.

Meet the Atari Token

Atari will feature Atari Token, a type of token that is only available in the metaverse. The payment method will mostly use cryptocurrency and NFTs. The company has a partnership with one of the leading blockchain gaming platforms, Enjin, to support the launch of NFTs through the Fabricant digital fashion house.

It is most likely that Atari will feature some of their classic titles in their crypto casino such as slot games, poker, blackjack, roulette, and baccarat. Perhaps some of their niche titles will be featured in the metaverse too. The casino is predicted to earn $400 million in terms of bets within two years.

Real-life casinos had a few drawbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic thus, many bettors turned to online and virtual gambling platforms, looking for more opportunities to play without having to go to a casino.

Although it is still a vague concept, the metaverse is an online virtual world where people can connect and do various activities just like in real-life, perhaps even doing business. Ida

In the future, Atari plans to build a virtual hotel in Decentraland as they have leased a piece of land in the metaverse. It seems that the company is looking forward to doing business in the virtual land moving forward.

Atari is not the first casino that jumped into the metaverse. In fact, ICE Poker is one of the first casinos in the metaverse and has earned a total of $7.5 million of revenue three months into 2022.

More about Atari

Atari was co-founded by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney in 1972. They are known to be directly involved in technological advancements and the development of arcade games that we can see today.

Some of the classic and iconic arcade games that are developed by Atari are Pong, Space Invaders, Asteroids, Centipede and Missile Command–which are known and played by millions of people.

Atari is now led by CEO Wade Rosen, and its business focuses more on developing video games, consumer hardware, licensing, and blockchains.

They are also currently aiming to take a step in the metaverse through the development of their own cryptocurrency, Atari Token, and a crypto casino in the Decentraland located in Vegas City district.

Gus Anderson
Gus Anderson is a gambling wizard. As a kid he dreamt about becoming a Tennis, Hockey and Golf professional but ended up as a gambling professional with focus on both sports & casino.